‘I’m in my sexual prime and have never desired sex less.’

“You have the wildest sex life,” I regularly get told. 

And as a 34-year-old single sex writer who routinely shares all the intimate details of her time under the sheets, they’re mostly right. 

Except there’s one teeny tiny fact that I’ve been leaving out. That despite being in my peak orgasmic period, I’ve never wanted sex less. 

I blame a multitude of factors. Mostly, dating. Because after eight long years of swipe, swipe, swipe, my will to date has died. 

Dramatic? Maybe. Rational? Absolutely. Because to be honest, I’ve probably gone on HUNDREDS of dates in that time. Literally hundreds (hey, girl’s gotta eat). But after one ghosting, one red flag and one ick after the next, it’s like my libido has left for the picket line. 

And really, can we blame her? 

See the full article here

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